There are still plenty of foundations offering business grants in 2020 and as you'll see, they're giving away a hefty amount of money!
Read moreDetailsIt’s a minor detail, but if overlooked, you may miss out on sales. A clear and accurate display of pricing is a key element in determining the success and profitability...
Read moreDetailsMy first experience with blue light came when I stumbled across the "blue light filter" setting on my phone. Not knowing what it meant, I clicked on it and the...
Read moreDetailsWe constantly advocate for the use of sustainable packaging at the Handmade Seller magazine, but there's one industry in particular that has a bigger challenge than most when it comes...
Read moreDetailsIf you're planning on doing any local marketing, you'll need a way to display your products in an attractive way. Unfortunately, the cost of shelving units, tables and signage adds...
Read moreDetailsHave you heard that you need to have more “lifestyle” shots and images for your handmade products but aren't so sure how to actually get it done? How does one...
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