Calculating shipping costs as a part of your Etsy business could lead to better profits or a barren store with few viewers and even fewer sales. Why do shipping costs...
Read moreDetailsIf you're thinking about selling on Etsy or you're confused by all of the fees, check out this video for a full breakdown of Etsy fees and payment methods. Let's...
Read moreDetailsThis is a topic that comes up so often. Etsy is a wonderful marketplace for handmade sellers, but it's not specifically geared towards artwork. However, some artists have more luck...
Read moreDetailsMeet Olivia Hayward from ManeManage! She started her business in 2009 selling hair ties, headbands, and vintage hair accessories. Since starting her brand on Etsy, she's reached over 32,000 sales.
Read moreDetails"Overnight, I closed everything down. Today, Wicked Calm Candles are not available at any given moment online or in stores, but released in collections at my own pace and discretion....
Read moreDetails“Starting my business looked so much different in reality than what most people would imagine. I’ve been asked, “What did your business plan look like?” and “Certainly, you must have...
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