When you are first starting a business, you know that everywhere you look there are costs to get started. When working on a limited budget, you want to be careful...
Read moreDetailsWe're seeing many trends this year with artisans considering building their own websites. I'm writing a series this year for Handmade Seller to share an often overlooked area of website...
Read moreDetailsWhat should you be considering for your product lines or marketing this year? How do you stay on top of an ever-changing consumer market? One tool we believe you should...
Read moreDetailsAs we near the end of 2023, I want to take a moment to reflect on the last year. I also want to share where we are headed in 2024.We...
Read moreDetailsHaving a year-end checklist for your small business is a practical approach to ensure that all crucial tasks are completed, and you’re not frustrated and stressed come tax time. Here...
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