My Community Made has announced an exciting new extension to the features on their platform. The platform's philosophy has always been to support business in local communities. Their new features...
Read moreDetailsWe're seeing many trends this year with artisans considering building their own websites. I'm writing a series this year for Handmade Seller to share an often overlooked area of website...
Read moreDetailsEtsy’s second quarter earnings call was held on July 31st 2024. This was a great chance to hear about what is happening in the broader economy, as well as Etsy's...
Read moreDetailsThis month it was my pleasure to interview Susan Bonnar of The British Craft House (TBCH). Susan has been in the artisan industry for over 10 years and has a...
Read moreDetailsHave you ever considered adding a new revenue stream? In person events and workshops are a great way to diversify revenue streams. For many artisans, it also breaks up the...
Read moreDetailsWe're seeing many trends this year with artisans considering building their own websites. I'm writing a series this year for Handmade Seller to share an often overlooked area of website...
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