The March magazine is live!! If you’re needing to feel more inspired and motivated this month, then this is the magazine for you! We’ve featured some amazingly uplifting stories that will put the spring back in your step and help you start March with the knowledge that all things are possible. Grab your cuppa joe and let’s take a look at what’s in this magazine issue!
“I wanted as many women as possible to experience the art and earn and income from it.” – Anne
Anne blew us away when she filled out a featured seller application and told us about the business she’d built in a tiny village located in Kenya. Not only was she able to start selling her baskets online by driving packages to the “big city,” but she got her whole community in on the business AND she set up a lending system for local residents that’s funded by her business. Truely inspirational!
“My first customer was a lady in the U.S. who had some work (a project she was helping with) here in Kenya and when I first got her order I was super excited. I seriously danced the night away!”
-Anne Mukuria @afrocuteness
“I never thought I would earn money this way, especially since my first business had failed.” -Sabine
We also met Sabine when she filled out an application to share her story in our magazine and were impressed by how quickly she pivoted after realizing that her first business wasn’t working out for her. And without that first business, she never would have found her way to a bigger and better business that’s taken off! Turns out, it wasn’t a failure after all.
“Fast forward three years and my husband and I had a serious talk after going over finances. The conclusion was that either my business would need to take off or I would have to go back to a ‘regular’ job. I was crushed.”
– Sabine Branstetter @sabinebranstetterphotography
Here’s a preview of the goodies inside the March magazine:
Magazine Question of the Month
Last month we asked sellers what the turning point was for them in their business. Read their answers in this month’s magazine! Click here to answer next month’s question and get featured in our magazine!
Sabine’s First Business Didn’t Make it, But It Led Her to a Bigger & Better One
After moving to the United States from Germany, Sabine decided to become a portrait photographer, but it wasn’t paying the bills and a change had to be made. That’s when a friend of hers who sells on Etsy approached her about a new idea, one that was way bigger and better…
Can You Be Your Own Customer?
Are you struggling to figure out who your target market is? Is your target audience similar to you? Deb from breaks it all down and helps you get clear on who your customers really are.
How Anne Built a Community Business for Her Village
Read how Anne used her love for basket weaving to help, inspire, and employ local women in her village.
Listen into this podcast and learn how the founder of the Handmade Seller magazine launched her Etsy shop with only $198 in Instagram ads.
Opening for Business During the Lockdown
Although 2020 was a difficult year, many good things came out of it, including Lynne’s business. The lockdown inspired her to create and sell products and she’s now working full-time as an artist!
The Anatomy of a Successful Instagram Post
Join Anna in breaking down the 5 components of a successful Instagram post that increase the chances of high user engagement. There’s even examples from handmade sellers included!
Breathwork for Entrepreneurs
Read how and why this simple de-stressing exercise should be a part of every business owner’s routine.
The March Newsstand
Get updated on the latest industry news, shopping trends, social media changes, and more!
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